Sunday, November 30, 2008

There IS such a thing as a FREE lunch!!!

I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have the chance to update my blog -- but here I am now with a super big blog entry to catch up!

Yesterday, I spent the whole day with my 2 German roomates (the french girl left to go to a host family). We went to the Sydney Aquarium where we walked in a underground see-through tunnel. The animals were HUGE!!! There were stingrays, sharks, turtles, and fish. Trust me, these things were humongous. The giant turtle is bigger than a man and they are actually 25% larger than we see them through the protective tunnel due to the curvature of the structure. Yikes.

Then onto the Taronga Zoo via ferry! We passed by the famous Sydney Harbour bridge and the Opera House. Magnificent. The zoo was awesome because we got to get close to the kangaroos and I was able to pet a joey (baby roo)! We also saw the koalas and I learned that they have 2 thumbs (I'm told they are vicious little buggers).

We were so exhausted from our day that we stopped by the grocery store and back on home. I bought groceries for ~$18 which should last me a couple of days. Yay!

Today, I woke up early for my 10am orientation at the IEP (Int'l Exhange Prog) office. I learned about what the office can provide me with in terms of helping me with taxes, resumes, housing, etc. Then I went to the Canadian consulate to register myself - that way, they know I'm in the country in case of emergency.

I discovered another strange thing about crossing the street at large intersections - that you can cross on the diagonal! That is so weird to me...I keep thinking I will get hit. But I just follow the crowd and I know I'll be ok.

Ok, about the free lunch. I was walking around today when I stumbled upon free BBQ at Martin Place, a plaza type area where you can sit on the steps and there's a Christmas tree in the middle. The food was given out by a Christian organization...I guess to promote giving at Christmas time. Now the strange thing is, they did not ask for anything nor were they trying to preach to us!!! They were just happily giving out food and coffee without a word about their faith! The Aussies have the right idea unlike the westerners. Now what did they have? Grilled snags and coffee. Snags are sausages and here it is eaten in a white piece of sliced bread with the snag sitting diagonal on the bread. Then it's topped off with tomato sauce (ketchup). As for coffee, it wasn't any cheap regular coffee either! They had their cappucino machine there and they asked me what kind of coffee I wanted. The woman behind me got a hot chocolate. Wow, I can't believe I got a delicious lunch for free! This is great! :D

Friday, November 28, 2008

Exploring Sydney

Well, I thought I wasn't going to have any roomates last night at the hostel until around 9pm. I was so excited to have company! In walked 2 young German girls (21 yrs old -- my, I feel old!) who seem to be best friends. I've met a lot of Germans traveling around the world. They are quite is more outgoing than the other. About half and hour later, our 4th occupant arrived. She is also a youngin'...she is from France and she is quite timid. I will have to practice my french with her...I just have to get over my fear. It'll be a good way for us to talk since there's a bit of a language barrier.

My aunt was right -- food, including chinese food, in Sydney is expensive!!! I cannot believe it. Last night, I bought a small curry meat pie (with tomato sauce, aka ketchup, on it), small bottle of apple juice, and a large chocolate chip cookie for $8.20! Small bottles of water or juice will cost you ~$3! I guess I'll have to go back to the good ol' days of Ramen noodles. I really can't wait to get out of Sydney and go to the suburbs where things are cheaper and I can work. That won't be for a little while since I have to get some things taken care of in the city first.

So today is Saturday and I am sitting in an internet cafe that costs only $1/hr. I am in King's Cross and it is a dodgy part of town. Apparently, it's compared to soho in NYC but I don't see it. Maybe there are hip people who live here but there are also a lot of bums and perverts. I just walked down one street where every other store was a strip joint or adult place. I can see some cool stores in the mix too but I wouldn't want to be here at night.

I did find a cheap lunch today at a food court. $5 for any thai dish. I bought the broad noodle dish that I love...ate half and keeping the other half for supper. Hmm, maybe not since I'm getting hungry again.

I also passed through Hyde Park today, which is a big park in the city. It's sort of like Central Park. There was a decorated Christmas tree amongst a bunch of palm trees. How strange, eh? The weather here is nice and comfortable for summer. It's been a bit erratic where it'll be nice and sunny one moment then grey, windy and rainy the next. I've been wearing pants and a t-shirt with my windbreaker. That's how the weather is here.

There are a lot of people in Sydney. When the light is green, hoards of people will descend across the street in a tightly packed group. People are all over the's like NY in that way. I've also noticed a lot of asians here. They all have that asian style way of dressing.

Oh yes, and about crossing the street: there are also letterings painted on the curb telling pedestrians to "look left" too. It all depends on the intersection. It's so confusing to cross the street. Don't worry, I've been looking BOTH ways when crossing. I'm just more aware of the right side now more than before.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

In Sydney Safe and Sound!

I arrived in Sydney about 2 hrs ago (it is 2:30pm on Friday) and I am now in the IEP office using the internet (IEP = International Exchange Program). These guys are great! They will brief me on things in an orientation on Monday. I will learn about cell phones, accommodations, jobs, etc. What a great support system away from home.

The city feels like the size of Montreal....I guess after being in New York City for so long, every big city seems small to me. One thing I must consciously keep in mind is to LOOK RIGHT when crossing the street! They drive on the left side over here. There are even large white lettering painted next to the curb reminding pedestrians to look right. I actually almost got hit by a car today (hey, there was no warning at that street). 

Alright, I have to go take care of some things before they close at 5pm.