Friday, November 28, 2008

Exploring Sydney

Well, I thought I wasn't going to have any roomates last night at the hostel until around 9pm. I was so excited to have company! In walked 2 young German girls (21 yrs old -- my, I feel old!) who seem to be best friends. I've met a lot of Germans traveling around the world. They are quite is more outgoing than the other. About half and hour later, our 4th occupant arrived. She is also a youngin'...she is from France and she is quite timid. I will have to practice my french with her...I just have to get over my fear. It'll be a good way for us to talk since there's a bit of a language barrier.

My aunt was right -- food, including chinese food, in Sydney is expensive!!! I cannot believe it. Last night, I bought a small curry meat pie (with tomato sauce, aka ketchup, on it), small bottle of apple juice, and a large chocolate chip cookie for $8.20! Small bottles of water or juice will cost you ~$3! I guess I'll have to go back to the good ol' days of Ramen noodles. I really can't wait to get out of Sydney and go to the suburbs where things are cheaper and I can work. That won't be for a little while since I have to get some things taken care of in the city first.

So today is Saturday and I am sitting in an internet cafe that costs only $1/hr. I am in King's Cross and it is a dodgy part of town. Apparently, it's compared to soho in NYC but I don't see it. Maybe there are hip people who live here but there are also a lot of bums and perverts. I just walked down one street where every other store was a strip joint or adult place. I can see some cool stores in the mix too but I wouldn't want to be here at night.

I did find a cheap lunch today at a food court. $5 for any thai dish. I bought the broad noodle dish that I love...ate half and keeping the other half for supper. Hmm, maybe not since I'm getting hungry again.

I also passed through Hyde Park today, which is a big park in the city. It's sort of like Central Park. There was a decorated Christmas tree amongst a bunch of palm trees. How strange, eh? The weather here is nice and comfortable for summer. It's been a bit erratic where it'll be nice and sunny one moment then grey, windy and rainy the next. I've been wearing pants and a t-shirt with my windbreaker. That's how the weather is here.

There are a lot of people in Sydney. When the light is green, hoards of people will descend across the street in a tightly packed group. People are all over the's like NY in that way. I've also noticed a lot of asians here. They all have that asian style way of dressing.

Oh yes, and about crossing the street: there are also letterings painted on the curb telling pedestrians to "look left" too. It all depends on the intersection. It's so confusing to cross the street. Don't worry, I've been looking BOTH ways when crossing. I'm just more aware of the right side now more than before.



Cheryl said...

Another tip to help you with your meals is that you don't have to tip in Australia because the wait staff make lots of money in hourly. That's what Jackie told me.

Unknown said...

hey, it's great to hear about the grub, hostel and street crossing issues. You be careful! I can't believe the food is as pricy as here. can you get stuff cheaper at a supermarket? vicariously, i wish the weather were warmer for you. Miss you. Keep blogging! xooxM

Far Flung Flavor said...

Oh my gosh, my gorgeous!! I have so many questions...Have you hung with your roomies? Has the French been flowin'? If you do it, it will motivate me to practice with new friends. Is Sydney pedestrian friendly? Would it be easier to drive it? What's new now? What are you doing? Where are you working? Trying to find work? I miss you more than I can express in words. You left a big void in NYC. I love you. Thanks for bloggin. xo al

No-No said...

I'm so glad you made it safely to Down Under. It is a rainy fall morning in NYC and most of the leaves that remained when you left, have now fallen.

Milu said...

Hey Nellie! Glad to hear you got there ok! Hearing you talk about thai food totally makes me think eating lunch together at ThaiNY :) How is the food there overall? Is it comparable to nyc? Hey, take some pics if possible so we can explore w/ya!

Zelda B. said...

It sounds like Sydney is a lot like Soho circa 1985.Sorry Sydney's is like the big city you were trying to get away from. It sounds like you are making the best of it though. You go girl!