Wednesday, January 23, 2008

En route to NZ

Wow-I'm going to the opposite side of the globe! I'm so excited to be going to New Zealand and immersing myself for two weeks in its natural beauty and culture.
When I stepped into the airplane at JFK, I had not slept in 24 hours. I always end up packing the whole night before an early flight-that's the procrastinator in me. My flight departed at 9:30 am for LA where I have an 8 hour layover. The flight to LA was 6 hours and we did not get a meal. Well, I guess I could have purchased a pre-made sandwich for $5 that someone should actually be paying me to eat instead. Anyhow, I planned ahead and bought a "gourmet" tuna salad sandwich (it was okay), bag of rosemary and olive oil chips, and a bottle of water for $12 at the terminal. It was either that or Mickey D's. I cannot wait to get on the next flight heading to Auckland, NZ! Mostly because I'll be flying Air New Zealand and I'll actually get fed! I guess they have to for a 13 hour journey. I wonder if they'll be offering kiwi-type food. I remember when I flew to India, they had given us Indian food, which was pretty good! In fact, they even over-fed us!
Now I have some time to waste at LAX. I have books to keep me busy. And I may even walk around and see what's in the duty-free shop. I'm writing this blog right now the old-fashioned way-with pen and paper. My best friend is gonna transcribe it for me as I dictate. Thanks a lot, Alison! :)
I will write again when I reach Auckland-I should be able to access a computer somewhere. Until then, later gators!


Far Flung Flavor said...

happy to help! can't wait to hear your first reactions of NZ! how exciting. you're going to have a blast!!!

xoxoxo al

Ummehani said...

Have fun in NZ! Can't wait to hear about your trip! Take lots of photos!

Milu said...

I'm so excited for you Nellie! Have a wonderful time!! And take lotsa pics!

Milu :)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see your pictures! have a great trip!!