Monday, January 28, 2008

Fun Packed Rotorua

It is Tues. Jan 29 at 10:30am. On Sunday, we went for our traditional Maori experience. We went into Maori terrritory as another "tribe". Once there, we were welcomed with the traditional Maori greeting where they showed their weapons and stuck out their tongues. They were testing whether we were friend or foe. They knew we were friends when our "chief" (some Irish lad on his honeymoon) accepted their offering (a branch). We then saw a cultural show and ate hangi (which was delicious!!!).

Yesterday (Monday), we went white water rafting on a track with the highest commercial drop for a waterfall in the world (7 metres!!). It was amazing, the scenery was just spectacular. We got a cd with pictures (and yes, they aren't the most flattering either). I will post them later on (maybe when I get back).

I cannot stay too much longer on the internet now since we are on the move again. Next stop: Lake Taupo then to someone's place that one of the girls know.


Far Flung Flavor said...

So glad to see that you're making frequent posts! You'll look back on it and be happy. I need to see some photos, dog! At least one of the hangi or the tongue out...

Have a great time at Lake Taupo, from the net, it looks gorgeous... Also looked at some satellite map imagery of NZ, how heavenly. So when's the sky-diving, you adventurer, you?


Swider said...

NEW ZEALAND?!?!?!? I cannot tell you how jealous I am right now!! You are so freakin' lucky! I am stuck working in California right now, but think back to our adventures in India. It was almost one year ago exactly!

Have fun with those Maoris. I'm a tattoo freak and that's where they originated from. Get one if you are so inclined. "Tatau!!" ;-) Love ya, sweets, and be safe!!

Nellie said...

Sky-diving will be on Feb 2 (Alice's bday) which is also technically Feb 1st back in NY. Works out perfectly!

Haha, no tattos for me. I'm a wimp.

Milu said...

Hey, that whole Maori experience sounds so cool! Rafting, skydiving, wow, i'm so glad that you're trying it all! :) Enjoy skydiving, can't wait to hear about it!

:) milu