Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Attack of the Keas

Early this morning, we were woken up by thumping and cooing noises on top of the van. We were visited by large brown birds the size of birds of prey. I reckon these were the Kea birds that signs around the campsite had warned us against feeding. There were four of them rocking the van. I peeked out the window and saw that two of them were pecking at one of the girls' backpacks. One of them was trying very hard to pull a towel out of the backpack. I didn't know whether to go out and save the bag or stay inside the safety of the vehicle. I decided to tap on the window to get their attention. It worked. They stopped what they were doing, stared at me then one of them started screeching. I was afraid he was calling for backup. To my relief, they flew away 1 minute later.

We drove from Fox Glacier to Lake Wanaka today. Along the way, we found a salmon farm and bought some salmon pate, sandwiches, chowder. Yummy!

We will be staying at Lake Wanaka for 2 nights. We will do some swimming and relaxing!

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