Monday, December 8, 2008

Leaving Sydney!

I'm finally leaving the busy city of Sydney and going to a farm to WWOOF! I cannot wait to get to a more peaceful setting. I will be staying with a couple who have some rare breed animals (I don't know which), organic garden, and medieval crafts. I will get a chance to learn how to make metal armour, woodworking, sewing clothes, banners, etc. Really cool. If it all goes well with the people, I may stay there for at least 2 weeks. I don't know what the internet situation will be like there so you may not hear from me in a while. However, if I do have internet access I will definitely make contact! As you all know, I'm an internet addict.

My train leaves in about 4 hrs and the ride is about 3-4 hrs long. I'm going south of goal is to eventually end up in Melbourne area for a bit.

See you all later and thanks for reading!


Unknown said...

sorry, i missed you online. nikki pooped in the apartment & it was a nightmare cleaning it up! anyway, have fun woofing - can't wait to hear all about it!

Unknown said...

It was great to hear your voice over the phone last night! Hope you got some rest on the train.

Wish I were there WWoofing with you! Your adventure is sounding like such fun. Even with the big ol'waterbugs. :)

Ketchup said...

Nellie!! I want to know how your "farm" is....write sooon!!!

Unknown said...


I wrote a comment last week and then I came back to the site and looked and it wasn't there. I talked to Milu about it and she told me I prob didn't publish it. I'm such and idiot. To summerize the fist message. I laughed extremely hard about the smelly French girl, but if she didn't smell I hope you guys talked in French. This is the trip of a lifetime and it's no time to be bashful. It's crazy that people are looting you for your food. Maybe the person who stole CRM's milk followed you. It sounds like a great time and you are learning alot of cool stuff. You'll be a female McGuyver, able to to create a metal breast plate from needle and thread. LOL. Well I hope you get some net access soon. Although I don't reply much I'm always reading.

Far Flung Flavor said...

yee haw! outta there! i can't wait to hear more about your medieval, yeti-filled adventures. and let's talk more about la sandwiche Nellie. can i add a little topping?

miss you and love you and you're the coolest person ever!