Monday, December 8, 2008

Lunch and Monstrous Flying Creatures!

Last night, I was looking for a bathroom to brush my teeth so I found the one on the top floor unoccupied (I never used that one before). I was in the middle of brushing when I heard something land on the wall in front of me. It was a water bug! Those things are harmless but look like cockroaches. Then I heard another one fly onto the door...and then another one. Three in total that I was aware of. Two of them started to play with each other. I was so skeezed out that as soon as I finished brushing, I ran out of there without even washing my face! Shudder. Gross.

Earlier in the evening, when I went to the hostel kitchen to make a cheese and tomato sandwich, I saw that someone had the audacity to steal most of my cheese! They grated it! At the last hostel I was at, someone stole my Tim Tams! Tim Tams are a popular Aussie chocolate covered's big hit here. Grrr.

Today, I met up with a friend whom I met through IEP. Mariah and I walked around looking for a place to eat when we stumbled upon a cute little Italian cafe. We ordered the tortellini mocadore, which had mushroom, ham, scallions and a cream tomato sauce. We had that with a piece of bread so sop up the sauce. Mmmmm!

Then onwards to the Bontanic Gardens to find those huge bats we had heard about! We walked through the Rain Forest Walk outside when I looked up and saw heaps of bats sleeping up in the trees! They were hanging upside-down with their wings wrapped around their bodies. One of them had awoken and flew up above our path. Then it made noises to his slumbering friends. That thing was HUGE!!!! It's wingspan was about the size of a large seagull! It was so fast, I couldn't capture that on my camera. If we were there at dusk, we would've seen them all fly around. But we don't want to be there when that happens!

After that, we walked over to Chinatown looking for bubble tea (tea with tapioca balls) since Mariah had never tried it. There was a Ten Ren Teahouse so we went there. We couldn't decide what to order since there were so many choices! I tried a tea called Osmanthus which was sweet and apparently popular with the female drinkers and Mariah ordered the green tea ice cream in green tea flavour. That one was delicious!

I have to pack up today for my trip to my first WWOOFing host tomorrow. I will be taking the train ~3 hrs south of Sydney. Yay!


Monique said...

Awesome Nellie, personally I would have scamper out of the bathroom at the first sound of flapping insectile wings (shudder!!!) Keep writing girl.

Unknown said...

I suppose that was the reason why nobody likes to use the bathroom upstairs...waterbugs.

Only one way to protect your food in a hostel. Put out a decoy and lace it with EXLAX! Revenge is a dish best served poopy! ;)

Always nice to discover a good eatery no matter where you are. Especially comfort food you Italian. :)

I hope you got some good pictures of those darn bats....they sound creepy.

Have a good train trip to your WWOOFing destination!


Unknown said...

Nellie you have to try a Tim Tam Slam. Heather told me about's like using your Tim Tam bisquit like a straw to drink you tea/beverage.

Far Flung Flavor said...

can't believe they stole your cheese and so flagrantly left the evidence!

sanguine smile said...

flying cockroaches! i've heard scary stories about those in the U.S. too (mostly in the south like in Louisiana). glad you managed to escape unharmed (at least physically unharmed), hehe.

i'm catching up on your blog btw. glad to hear you're having such a good time!

L.L. said...

Ewwwww! I hate waterbugs. I shudder at the thought and I am glad that you got out of the bathroom alive!