Monday, January 5, 2009

HOT HOT Scorcher of a Day!

Mon. Jan 5 - today is the start of a scorching week to come. It was 31C! I stayed inside and finished the banner/flag with the goose on it. Rys and Allison were pleased with it. It will be one of many banners they will hang at their medieval feasts in July and October. The next banner I will make is a purple/white one with acorns on it.

I managed to get the ducklings to eat out of my hand today! They get so excited when they see me in the mornings - not because they love me but because I have food. They follow me around quacking loudly. I feel like a mother duck. Hee hee. As for the chickens, I was happy to see an egg was laid and not eaten! As usual, I collected it.

Pat and Nicky finished putting the roof on the greenhouse. As a reward, Rys and Allison took everyone out for dinner at the Astor pub. It's a swanky modern looking restaurant bar in Goulburn. I was quite impressed this existed in such a small town. I guess it's because it's a part of the Astor hotel/motel so it has to be spiffy. There were flatscreen tv's everywhere playing music videos. I had fish and chips with a side of delicious salad....yum.

On the way back from the pub, Allison's dad pointed out that the tractor trailer truck in front of us had 2 compartments. He said that there also exist trucks with 5-6 compartments which they call train trailers. These can be found in Queensland (state in northeast Australia). The reason behind this is that it saves on the number of drivers.

Allison's car was in front of ours (her car had Rys and the french guys; her parents and I were in the car behind them). Upon pulling up the driveway, Allison almost hit a little kangaroo that leapt across the road! It ran into the fields and disappeared into the darkness. Darn, I missed it.

Tues. Jan 6 - This morning, I got the ducklings to eat out of my hand again - as long as their dish has not been placed before them. After they get their dish of food, they will not eat out of your hand.

It is hot out there today yet again. must be in the 30's. I made sure the animals have enough water to keep hydrated. I'll be making the next banner today....good day to stay inside for sewing.

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