Tuesday, January 13, 2009

WIRES - Au Wildlife Rescue Organization

Mon Jan 12 - I made french canadian version shepherd's pie and everyone loved it! I was happy that everbody had seconds. I also picked some stuff from the garden for a salad (lettuce, marigold flower, radishes, parsley, chives, etc) and Rys made his salad dressing for it.

Allison thinks the muskovie duck died because Nicky the duck rooted her to death. Well, he was rooting her pretty hard the day before....so who knows? He was so sad he stayed by the body all day before Rys buried her. He still has 1 more girlfriend who's sitting on some eggs -- I guess she wasn't giving him any. Next week is the animal auction so we'll probably get another girlfriend for Nicky the duck.

I finished the horse banner!

Tues Jan 13 - I continued laying sawdust in the morning then started on the acorn banner (2 of 4) in the afternoon. In the evening, I went to visit a woman who worked for WIRES (volunteer organization that rescues injured wildlife and rehabilitates them). Jenny lived in an old stone church in Mummel district about 30 min away. I founf out that WIRES is different in each state but I could still take their 2 day course if I wanted. Volunteers are basically on call to rescue joeys who's moms were hit by cars or baby birds who fall out of trees. It's a big job to take care of a joey because they need different milk formulas as they age and require 2-4 hourly feedings when young. They are to be taken care of for about 12 months until they can be released. The money for the milk formulas come out of the pockets of the volunteer. Volunteers can choose which animals they take in, whether it be roos, snakes or birds. I cannot be a volunteer since I don't drive but I can take a course to learn. I might do that later on.

In the evening, Allison I watched an Aussie movie (on DVD) called Kenny which is not a documentary but was made to look like one. It's about this guy who works as a toilet plumber and a camera follows him around. It's funny....the ending was the best!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmm Shepherd's pie! That is so yummy.

Yes we all know what rooted means...which means the Aussie's must have had a blast with the Canadian clothing brand name "Roots", during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.

Congrats on finishing your banners...I can't wait to hear about your next place.