Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Things in Order

Today was mostly about getting things organized for my upcoming outback adventure. I woke up, went for a run in the park (there were Black Swans in the pond today!!! I watched them dip their long necks into the water looking for food. Sometimes, they'll dip half their body so I'll just see their bums and feet wagging above the surface). The cute pink Galah parrots were in their tree as well as the green parrots. Parrots make such shrieking squawking noises!

While I was on my way to the park for my run, I saw police officers milling around on the busy street. There was a minor fender bender car accident. Then I hear "screeeech....boom!". I turn around and see that another fender bender had just occurred right next to the first accident! I bet the driver was distracted by the first accident and braked, thus causing the car behind to run into it. The driver slowly kept driving to turn the corner. A policewoman chased after the car screaming, "Stop! Stop! You've got to Stop!". The driver signalled to the officer that she was just getting out of the way onto a quieter street. So the second car followed and they both stopped their cars in the side street. I continued onto the park for my run and when I came back, everyone was gone.

After my run, I did laundry and then went into the city to shop. Well, shop for essentials such as shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Because things will be more expensive in the outback.

I also went to the library to check my email (it's usually free but here I only paid $5.50 for a membership to use internet for 3 months). A woman who was also on the computers started to chat with me. People just do that here....I'm still trying to get used to strangers making conversation with me. It's not something that people do in bigger cities. But anyways, she seems to be looking for a job and is frustrated with her situation. She's British and she hates Perth. She's been here 25 years and has always disliked it. She had kids here and she really wants to move but feels stuck because she is so settled with a house and it's hard to move everything (Perth is soooo far from other cities....it's extrememly isolated from the rest of the country). So I asked her why she came. Her answer? For a man. She seems to regret it and she admits she should've checked it out first before agreeing. He's British too but wanted to come because there is so much land here compared to London and it's always sunny. I don't know if they're still together...I didn't dare ask. It doesn't seem so....she seemed bitter. I think she told me all this to warn me not to make the same mistake. I told her not to worry because I haven't moved here but only visiting. I like Perth for holiday but I don't see myself living here either. I told her she'd like Melbourne better.

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